Beverly 400+ Legacy Project
The Revitalization of Independence Park
Beverly 400+ Legacy Project
When all the festivities and celebrations of Beverly’s 400th anniversary are over, what will remain for the citizens of Beverly to remind them of our special history? The Bev400+ Board of Directors considered several options and unanimously agreed that revitalizing Independence Park would be the perfect legacy project.
The park is the site of key events in Beverly’s early history, including the epic battle between the American Navy’s Hannah and England’s Nautilus ships and a reading of the Declaration of Independence before it was read in Boston. More importantly, it is a place for residents and visitors alike to visit with friends and family, relax, enjoy the amazing view of the sea and islands, and take in some history. We aim to make sure this spot will provide these experiences for generations to come!
Our revitalization will:
- Make the park ADA accessible
- Consolidate the existing historical items into a cohesive and accessible memorial with new signage that tells the story of why Independence Park is significant and describes what you’re looking at on the water
- Consider and take advantage of climate-resiliency opportunities
- Provide for restoration, relocation (if needed), and maintenance of memorial benches
- Minimize impact on abutters’ water views and contribute to the overall aesthetic of the area
The project is a partnership that includes the Mayor’s Office, Department of Public Services, Parks and Recreation Department, the Community Preservation Committee, and Halvorson Design. The Beverly 400+ Committee is the project lead, with on-the-ground management by members of its History Subcommittee.
The project has received its first round of funding from the Community Preservation Committee in the amount of $125,000 to fund a survey, preliminary design, community input session(s), securing required City approvals, creating construction documents, estimating construction costs, and creating all documents needed for the City to put the project out for bid.
Halvorson Design is a landscape architecture firm previously involved with a park upgrade project in 2017 that never moved forward. We’re fortunate to pick up on that earlier work to allow our project to proceed in line with the 2026 events. Ultimately, construction will be the responsibility of the City. Beverly 400+ will support the City with fundraising and reporting efforts. Funding will come from a combination of State, Federal, and local grants and private and public sources.
The Department of Public Services and the Committee would like installation complete by June 2026, in the middle of our celebration year!
Our tentative schedule is:
- January–April 2025: Design, public input, final design, City approvals
- May–June 2025: Construction and bid documents
- July 2025: City puts project out to bid
- August 2025: Construction starts
- June 2026: Construction complete
Those citizens wishing to be involved should watch our website for public meetings to review design and provide input. Sign up for the Beverly 400+ newsletter here, make a donation here, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Got questions? Contact: [email protected].

Beverly Quadricentennial, Inc. a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization since 2023, is dedicated to commemorating the city's rich history, celebrating and embracIng its diverse community, and inspiring a collective vision for future centuries. Eligible donations to support Beverly 400+ are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.